Elias Gould
Artist, Actor
Elias Gould is an artist and actor who has risen from the area of Kallio, an urban neighborhood of Helsinki, to festival stages and the big screen. Having lived all around Helsinki, Gould loves the capital city immensely and strives to constantly find new gems in the middle of the growing city. For him, art is also a way to process thoughts and emotions.
“For me, art is a means of expressing feelings and taking a stand. At its best, art is an escape from everyday life and a way to deal with difficulties.”

Seasons of AX: Savory Kiss
Decades of art and cultural flows have been layered into Helsinki by the sea. Our capital city is full of museums, architecture, spatial art and art experiences manifested in everyday life. Helsinki and the Baltic Sea are expressed differently among people – what is your city like by the sea?
Tullisaari island and Aino Ackté’s villa
The landscapes of Tullisaari are breathtakingly beautiful, both in summer and winter. The highlight of the park area is Aino Ackté’s villa, which was completed in 1877 and is known for its vertical log structure. The villa was Ackté’s summer residence between 1904 and 1944. When passing by the villa, it’s easy to imagine Ackté’s song coming from the windows of the soulful building.
Tullisaari park,
00590 Helsinki
Rajasaari island
Rajasaari, located in Töölö, is Helsinki’s dog paradise, where humans can also enjoy themselves. In Rajasaari – or as I call the place, dog island – time flies by watching and petting the dogs. Many come here even without their own dog.
00250 Helsinki
Suomenlinna summer theater
Suomenlinna summer theater serves high-quality and memorable theater in a wonderful milieu. Suomenlinna is an experience in itself, and you can admire the historic island from the ferry. The atmosphere of the theater finishes the great experience.
Suomenlinna island
The ferry to the island leaves from the market square at Eteläranta, 00170 Helsinki.
Big Be-Hide
Alicja Kwade’s work Big Be-Hide is a very impressive work in which a natural stone and its metal copy are placed opposite each other symmetrically on both sides of a double-sided mirror. The work is part of the Helsinki Biennale.
00540 Helsinki
Carpet pier at Sörnäinen
The summer after-party on this carpet pier is the best performance art in the city. You can also go swimming from the pier, at your own risk.
Hakaniemenranta 15,
00530 Helsinki